Andrii Bychkovskyi is an entrepreneur having gained business experience both in Ukraine and abroad, particularly in Poland. First having founded a company producing souvenirs, wristbands, and event passes Cintapunto, then having entered the Polish market with Ukrainian startup DelFast and British market with the Poptop.fm project; he outlined main issues worth paying attention to while scaling up businesses to other markets.
“Only a lazy person hasn’t ever seen risk as an honorable deed. Andrey Bichkovskiy, multiple entrepreneur, founder of Cintapunto company, AirLips brand, and co-owner of Poptop.fm and DelFast start-ups, is sharing his opinion whether it’s true and to what extent this principle could be applied in start-up activity.
Being a man constantly looking for funk and drive, even in the most boring business ideas, I treat risk as one of the tactical solutions, which is not really unfamiliar for me. Of course, before making the decision to get or to lose everything, entrepreneur should think about all the pros and cons of such desperate actions. But it’s worth starting with the fact that any start-upper could be considered a risky guy, having agreed to be involved into an adventure in business, which he couldn’t be sure will succeed.
For me as an entrepreneur I see a range of advantages concerning risky solutions. First of all, for a businessman any risk provides the possibility to reframe the situation by thinking out of the box. Hence, these are more creative and sophisticated solutions under crisis. When you are operating by the width of a hair, you usually try to hold stronger, tying not an ordinary knot, but Hunter’s one.
Risks teach you to believe. It’s like aerophobia: a man is afraid of flying, but he can do nothing with his fear, and moreover, he could not influence his smooth landing, the only thing left is to believe. The same situation occurs in business: taking risks concerning „successful landing”, the only thing one can trust in is his personal good luck. But it’s of no use to shift all the responsibility, you should remember – God helps those who help themselves.
Risks make you more experienced. And it should be said that any consequences, whether good or not, are added to the personal background of an entrepreneur and make the „whole” picture fuller. Need I say a word or two about how much it takes to suffer bumps and bruises in such a way, being involved in projects in their early stages? But one will have a lot to tell his grandchildren, young adepts in start-up tailgating.
But one should be careful: the main side-effect of unjustified risks is total fatigue concerning the surrounding life. Having received negative experience, a man becomes frightened of all those „if only one more time” or “if it’s like that time”, huddling himself up in a corner and giving up. As a result, the project is stuck or even fails.
Is it proper to risk? Maybe, yes. It’s only worth remembering that every justified risk is grounded in logic, common sense, and relevant evaluation of your own possibilities.
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