TypingDNA is an Authentication API developed by a Romanian startup. The product is able to accurately compare and match any two typing patterns, differentiating an intruder’s typing pattern with the ones of the real owner. This technology is called typing biometrics/keystroke dynamics. It’s capable of doing a one-time comparison between the patterns and on-going (continuous authentication).

So if you want to diminish the fear that someone else might use your laptop if you forget it unlocked, TypingDNA might help. With continuous authentication based on typing biometrics, if someone uses your laptop, (device) it can trigger an event like alarm or lock down. Potential applications for the Auth API includes the following: secure login (2nd tier), continuous authorization, secure transactions, secure e-learning exams, validate/verify users, secure voting, prevent account sharing, prevent account hijacking.

The big picture is that the world will shift its authentication from memorizing to behavioral patterns. Your unique behavior will protect your identity. Passwords, face unlock, fingerprint and so on are easy to be replicated/stealed. But your behavior is very hard, if not impossible, to be replicated. The fundamental of TypingDNA is the technology we built around typing biometrics security. Based on it, we have multiple use cases. Our focus right now is on continuous authentication. At the core, we use machine learning algorithms to compare typing patterns of a person with another one. – says CEO Raul Popa


Multinational BehavioSec and the german company Keytrac,  are one of the few competitors in the industry addressing the B2B market.

TypingDNA’s short-term focus regards pushing the technology to consumers and adding features that will only be available for paid subscribers. For B2B Enterprise, the price model is per API requests, and custom monthly packages.

The start-up’s founders are Raul Popa (CEO), Cristian Tamas (Marketing and CRM) and Adrian Gheara (Business Dev). Also, it has several advisors in different regions and cities besides home-base Oradea. An app based on continuous authentication will be soon available for closed beta so stay tuned.

[easy-tweet tweet=”#Romanian @TypingDNA develops #continuous #authentication #API by using #typing #biometrics” user=”150sec” hashtags=”CEEmakers” url=”http://goo.gl/wihB9U”]


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