A qualified IT labour force has become the most important factor in the future success and business growth of enterprises not only in Hungary but globally, too.

The chief mission of Codecool Kft. created from Hungarian private equity in 2015 is to make up for current and future labour shortages in the IT industry with unique, practice-oriented training programmes. Currently, more than 300 students are taught programming as well as other skills ensuring their successful placement within the profession.

During the Codecool course consisting of 12 months of theoretical and 6 months of practical elements, primarily 18-40- year-old career starters, or those switching careers, without any previous IT qualifications, are taught programming in coordination with the employer market, thereby guaranteeing graduates a job at the successful conclusion of the course.
In addition to traditional secondary and higher education, this model supplies a high volume of recruits, which can be adjusted to specific corporate demands. The guarantee of a job and the post-financed training model are particularly attractive factors for applicants.

Since our concepts were proven both by the professional and the corporate sides, now in two countries, we realized that the time had arrived for a further capital injection necessary for expansion primarily in Central Europe. says Balázs Vinnai, a successful IT entrepreneur and one of the founders of Codecool.

In the coming 12 months, Codecool intends to use the equity at its disposal to open two new schools abroad, thus expanding to 1000 the number of junior programmers it trains in one year. According to the plans of the founders of the company, Codecool schools will be operating in 24 cities in Europe by 2022.

This is part of an important trend in several countries in Eastern Europe, where several IT training initiatives are popping up. This investment shows how strong the pain of recruiting is within the IT sector and how big this opportunity is for the countries in Eastern Europe.


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