The winning startup of Founders Games WEBIT gets €200 000 seed investment

Webit.Festival Europe that will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria (18-20 April), just made an interesting announcement that the winning startup of their Founders Games competition will get a  200.000 seed investment. So if you have startup, you can apply for Webit’s Founders Games, get a free expo stand, 2 free festival tickets and a chance to get that investment.

So far startups from more than 40 countries, pre-seed and post-seed and startups with series A and B of investments are joining the event. There are only 3 days left to apply.

So, who will give this investment? The organizers announced that a group of prominent successful entrepreneurs, investors and business angels have joined to make this possible. Weather you should be happy to get an investment from someone you haven’t met, especially if it’s a larger group of business angels, that’s a whole different topic and we’re not going to discuss this now. But it’s always better to have more options than no options.

If you don’t have a startup, Webit is the kind of enterprise event where you get to explore great business opportunities and increase your valuable network, since there are 75% C-level executives among the attendees.

If you want to be part of the event, you can book a ticket of find out how you could get a free ticket from us or consistent discount.


Adrian Pica: CEE startup ecosystem expert, founder, community builder, startup mentor with a lean entrepreneurial mindset.