There are so many communication channels these days and so many platforms, that to make a simple task like find time to meet, that fits for everybody, gets harder and harder. One friend prefers Facebook, other is mostly reachable via WhatsApp and the third only via SMS. Gatherer team a sure they developed best solution for that. And they are pretty sure they are better then Doodle.
Gatherer is an app, helping it’s users to find a date for appointment that suits for everybody. It might sound very simple, but it is definitely not. First of all, the app has built-in calendar, which the user don’t need to sync to any other software. After approval, Gatherer gets access to your contact list. The user needs to select an available date on the calendar and invite his friends. Here is where the magic happens. The machine learning algorithm behind the communication channels learn which person prefers which channel and can reach the person in the most efficient way. Bonus point: it does that fully automatically.
That all sounds nice, but whats the business model you might ask. “Cinema franchises, travel platforms and many other companies from sports, leisure and entertainment industries want people to find more available appointments and buy more tickets.
That’s why we are offering gatherer as white label solution for the apps of other companies” says Desiree Zottl, CEO of gatherer.
As many other products, Gatherer was first of all a problem solution for the founders themselves trying to plan a trip to Oktoberfest. Then, after starting to work on it as a university project, it developed into a startup with a founding team of five: Desirée Zottl, Thomas Ederer, Michael Kräftner, Aleksandar Palic and Carina Skladal. The founding team of four programmers and a designer is based in Vienna.
Currently Gatherer raised 100k during the Austrian TV show „2 Minuten 2 Millionen“ from business angel Michael Altrichter and Speedinvest Partner Marie-Helene Ametsreiter, which should also support the young startup with their know-how.
[easy-tweet tweet=”Using #machine #learning #algorithm to help friends coordinate schedules @getgatherer” user=”150sec” hashtags=”CEEmakers” url=”http://wp.me/p6MtIQ-10P”]
Although the app is only in German at the moment and works only in DACH region, the next steps include to translate it into English and concur the world (of course).