Adult Translations, as its name implies, deals with translating content for the adult entertainment industry.

The founders, Slavomir Hruska and Pavel Svitek and their team are based in Bratislava, Slovakia, but they are often on the move.slavomir_adult_translations

Their very early adopter has had some negative experiences in collaborating with professional translation companies and has asked for help. Apparently, the team did their job so well that it attracted even more customers, organically.

AT works connects with native speakers from across the globe and also provides quality check. They also automatize the service with the use of translation APIs and other tech solutions. The difference between AT’s solution and Google Translation is ultimately quality.

Traction might be one of the main drivers here. Despite the fact that the product is still in beta version, they earn more than 5K per month and are gaining new customers rapidly.

Another perk is that they do not have a direct competitor. Translation agencies, freelancers and other solutions as Google Translation could also do the work, but not in the startup mode. They believe that one of their biggest competitive advantage is that they focus on a niche. And not just any niche…

The translation market is estimated at $35 billion. However, there is no data available to estimate the adult translation market. But it surely has potential.

They run fast for their money. Digital Factory Hungary has been willing to believe and invest in their startup idea. 
You can find out more about their work on their website and Facebook page.


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